D for Date of notification – such a date is inherent in each exclusive right. The date of notification is considered to be the date on which a complete application is effectively filed with the patent office in writing or in electronic form. Relevant legal acts, such as the Industrial Property Law, the European Patent Convention or the Patent Cooperation Treaty, set forth in detail what conditions must be met for an application to be considered effectively filed. The date of notification (in the day/month/year format) is not part of the prior art. For example, for a patent application with the date of notification being 14 February 2022, the state of the art will be everything which was disclosed in any way up to and including 13 February 2022 – in other words, for an application filed on 14 February 2022 at 11:55 p.m., everything which was disclosed on that day before noon will not constitute an obstacle for a patent to be granted. The date of notification is the date starting from which the duration of a specific right is counted: 10 years for trademark protection, 20 years for patent protection, 25 years for industrial design protection or 10 years for utility model protection.
D for Date of notification